Language resources in German to plug-ins of the company FoxNetSoft in connection with a nopCommerce online shop.
The purchase of the translation also entitles the user to download corrections on a permanent basis. The download is always maintained and distributed under "My account" in the shop on "". However, there is no right to corrections or new versions.
The language resources are updated very often and refer to the current shop version if possible.
Note: We recommend to receive the newsletter for purchased products (selectable at DSGVO). You will then receive an e-mail for major updates.
Currently 56 language resources (2019-07-18) for the following plug-ins are delivered:
- FoxNetSoft.AmazonConnector
- FoxNetSoft.Articles
- FoxNetSoft.AutomaticRelatedProducts
- FoxNetSoft.AutoRegisterGuest
- FoxNetSoft.BackOrderNotifications
- FoxNetSoft.BrainTreeDropin
- FoxNetSoft.BrotliCompression
- FoxNetSoft.CDNConnector
- FoxNetSoft.CheckOrderStatus
- FoxNetSoft.ConstantContact
- FoxNetSoft.ContentManager
- FoxNetSoft.CountdownTimer
- FoxNetSoft.DHL
- FoxNetSoft.EbayConnector
- FoxNetSoft.EXactHostedCheckout
- FoxNetSoft.ExAuthSocial
- FoxNetSoft.FeedManager
- FoxNetSoft.GoogleEnhancedEcommerce
- FoxNetSoft.ImageSitemap
- FoxNetSoft.IPFilter
- FoxNetSoft.LandingPage
- FoxNetSoft.LoginWithEmail
- FoxNetSoft.ManoManoConnector
- FoxNetSoft.MonerisHostedPaypage
- FoxNetSoft.MSSQLProvider
- FoxNetSoft.MultiLanguageSitemap
- FoxNetSoft.MultipleTaxes.xml
- FoxNetSoft.OutOfStockLast
- FoxNetSoft.PayflowPro
- FoxNetSoft.PayflowProDirect
- FoxNetSoft.PaymentRules
- FoxNetSoft.PaypalExchange
- FoxNetSoft.PaypalExpressCheckout
- FoxNetSoft.PaypalPlus
- FoxNetSoft.PaypalSmartPaymentButton
- FoxNetSoft.PaypalStandardPro
- FoxNetSoft.PerformanceFix
- FoxNetSoft.PhoneNumberMask
- FoxNetSoft.PopupLogin
- FoxNetSoft.PriceManager
- FoxNetSoft.RichCards
- FoxNetSoft.SearchSpellingCorrector
- FoxNetSoft.ShareYourCart
- FoxNetSoft.ShareYourOrder
- FoxNetSoft.ShippingEasyCom
- FoxNetSoft.SimpleCheckout
- FoxNetSoft.SpecialOffers
- FoxNetSoft.SquarePaymentFlow
- FoxNetSoft.SquarePaymentForm
- FoxNetSoft.StampsConnector
- FoxNetSoft.StripeDirect
- FoxNetSoft.StripeHostedCheckout
- FoxNetSoft.TrackingCodeManager
- FoxNetSoft.WarehouseManager
- FoxNetSoft.WaterMark
- FoxNetSoft.YandexMarket
NOTE: The product contains only the language resources, the necessary plug-ins must be purchased from FoxNetSoft.