With the Powershell script PsPsdConvert.ps1 a directory or a directory tree can be searched for Photoshop Psd files, which can then be converted to Jpg or Png files. Parameters influence various factors such as quality, interlaced, compression and maximum pixel dimensions.
In addition, images are converted to the RGB color model if the template is in CMYK. The background layer is also hidden for the output of transparent Png files.
The script can be called Powershell, the command line or task scheduling. In this way, automated scenarios can be mapped very easily. For optimization purposes, checksums of the Photoshop files are stored in a text file, so that only files that have changed are converted.
OneDrive or other cloud drives are supported. Before calling the Photoshop API, the system checks if the PSD file is not blocked.
The script requires Windows, Photoshop CS and Powershell version 5.1. On Windows 10 this Powershell version is 5.1 standard, on older operating systems like Windows 7 or Windows 2012 Powershell 5.1 can be upgraded free of charge.
The script is available in the source code and can be easily extended with Powershell knowledge.