
Blog posts tagged with 'nopcommerce'

Automatic translation of EULANDA and nopCommerce
Automatic translation of EULANDA and nopCommerce
You have products that you would like to sell abroad? There is a lot to consider here, one thing is certainly the translation of the articles. If you only have a few articles, you can of course hire a professional translation agency. However, if you have many articles or you have a rapidly changing assortment, it will quickly become very expensive.
nopCommerce Sitemap.xml is no longer accepted, why?
nopCommerce Sitemap.xml is no longer accepted, why?
A short introduction nopCommerce creates both an HTML sitemap and an XML variant. This is needed by search engines like Google to better recognize the structure of the website. In order for the search engine to find it automatically, nopCommerce also enters it in the robot.txt file. CURL liefert: <html><head><title>Object moved</title></head><body><h2>Object moved to xyz>here</a>.</h2></body></html>